It might seem like the idea of neural implants was taken straight out of a science fiction novel but they are revolutionizing treatments and creating advancements in the field right now. So what are neural implants and how are they being used?
Neural implants are devices that interact with neurons and are usually implanted in the spinal cord. The neural implants fire electrical impulses similar to neurons which is how they are able to “control” the activity of the surrounding neurons. It also allows researchers to record electrical impulses, showing natural brain activity.

These devices have the potential to transform medical practice and potentially be abused. If scientists can control the nervous system through a surgically implanted device, then they can control the patient’s thoughts, senses, heart rate, and even breathing. However, without knowing exactly what neurons control which aspects of the nervous system, such control can not currently be achieved. Without a neural map of sorts, the implants are just sending out electrical stimuli into the dark, hoping to cause a reaction.
Although we are unable to control the entirety of the nervous system, scientists have capitalized on this revolutionary technology to help people suffering from spinal injuries through epidural electrical stimulation.
For example, through neural implants, patients have been able to regain the ability to walk after being paralyzed.
There are over 500,000 people who suffer injuries to the spinal cord every year that results in the loss of mobility. After placing a neural implant over the spinal cord, the electrical stimulus provided by the device allows the lower and upper halves of the spinal cord to communicate. This allows patients to regain movement in their legs.
This process started in the 1970’s in Edgerton’s lab. Cats whose spines had been broken were able to be trained to walk again by suspending them over a treadmill and moving their limbs in “a step-like fashion.” After numerous sessions, the animals were able to adapt to different speeds and inclines without any communication from the brain - the spinal cord was able to control the movements on its own. After seeing the remarkable progress made with cats, Edgerton’s partner Harkema attempted to do the same with humans. The training was successful to a certain degree but wasn’t able to “fix” the problem entirely.

The researchers then turned to using electrical stimulation to activate the neurons and circuitry in the lower section of the spinal cord. At first, the only benefit to this treatment was the reduced occurrence of involuntary spasms. After further explorations, scientists have been able to discover other uses.
There have been many success stories that seem close to miracles. One such example is Rob Summers, who was paralyzed from the chest down. After undergoing surgery that implanted a strip of electrodes in his spinal cord, he was able to move his toes voluntarily. This and other similar situations show that connections between the lower and upper spinal cord remain intact after paralyzation but require stimulation to re-establish the communication.
Patients not only can regain voluntary muscle movements but also improve the other side effects of paralysis such as low blood pressure, bowel/bladder control and heart rate.
However, this is not a cure for paralysis and has a long way to go before it is ready to be used in all patients. Undergoing surgery to implant a medical device in your spine is extremely dangerous and comes with many risks.